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The Introverted Teen

As an educator for over 30 years, I have observed that introverted teens require a unique approach when it comes to reaching and working with them.

Introverted teens tend to be more inward-focused and reflective, and may feel more energized and refreshed by spending time alone or in quiet settings rather than in large social groups or highly stimulating environments.

They may also be more sensitive to external stimulation, such as noise or bright lights, and may need more downtime to recharge after social interactions or other intense experiences.

To effectively reach and work with introverted teens, it is important to create a safe and supportive environment where they feel comfortable expressing themselves. This could be achieved by providing a quiet space for them to work, ensuring that they have a trusted adult to confide in, and fostering an inclusive community that values diversity.

Encouraging self-reflection and introspection is also key. Introverted teens tend to be reflective and introspective, so it is important to encourage them to explore their thoughts and emotions. This could be achieved by providing opportunities for journaling, mindfulness practices, and other reflective activities that allow them to process their experiences.

Using technology to facilitate communication can also be helpful. Many introverted teens are comfortable communicating online, so it can be helpful to use messaging apps, social media, and other digital platforms to stay in touch with them and provide support.

Fostering deep connections with trusted adults is another important aspect of reaching and working with introverted teens. They tend to form deep connections with a few trusted adults, so it is important to foster these relationships. This could be achieved by providing opportunities for one-on-one conversations, mentorship, and other activities that allow them to build trust with adults.

Encouraging participation in activities that align with their interests is also crucial. They often tend to have strong interests and passions, so it is important to encourage them to participate in activities that align with their interests and not yours. Some possibilities are extracurricular activities, clubs, and other programs that allow them to explore their passions and connect with like-minded peers.

Lastly, being patient and understanding is essential. They may need more time to process information and respond to questions, so it is important to be patient and understanding and allowing them more time to complete assignments, providing clear instructions, and being available to answer questions and offer support.

In conclusion, reaching and working with introverted teens requires a unique approach that takes into account their unique needs and strengths.

By creating a safe and supportive environment, encouraging self-reflection and introspection, using technology to facilitate communication, fostering deep connections with trusted adults, encouraging participation in activities that align with their interests, and being patient and understanding, we can help introverted teens thrive and reach their full potential.

Tom and Maria Ann Geffers

Career and College Counselors

Teen Coaches


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